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Questions & Answers

Frequently Asked Questions by Wayne's Daughters' Customers...

Q: Why is it that before I started shopping at Wayne's Daughters, and shopped at chain stores, my plants never grew and stayed the same size all throughout the summer, no matter how much TLC I gave them?
A: At chain stores, they are the middleman. This means that they do not grow their own product, so therefore, they are getting their products shipped in. By being shipped in, this means, the actual grower sprays a harsh growth retardant on the plant. The growth retardant stunts a plants growth for 6 to 8 weeks. By doing this, it makes it easier and cheaper for that chain store to ship since the plant never grows.
As for Wayne's Daughters, they grow all of their own plants at each location, and they refuse to spray harsh chemicals on any of them. For you, this means, they will take off like crazy when you plant them.​

Q: I know you guys do all the work yourselves, so that's why you're not open in the winter, but when is it that you actually close your stores?
A: Yes, we are seasonal and we normally are opened from May 1st. through July 3rd. It depends on how quick we sell out. If we have any perennial stock left over from the season, we are open through August. This website will keep you updated.

Q: What is the difference between an annual and perennial?

I just started shopping at your store, and I absolutely love it! ​​But I was wondering ​​if there really are 4 daughters and where the name came from?​​
A: Yes, there are 4 daughters, and Wayne is their father. First, they were grain farmers, and then had a very large produce farm. They slowly started growing flowers alongside the produce 33 years ago. When the flowers started selling faster than the produce, then that's when they evolved into a full time greenhouse business, Wayne's Daughters Greenhouses.
The 4 girls have worked very hard on the farm since little and they all still work in the business today with their mom and dad, the owners of both locations. They are at the business, along with mom(sandra) and dad(wayne) 7 days a week. That's when their mom, Sandra, came up with their cute and catchy business name, 'Wayne's Daughters Greenhosues'. They're a very close family and they're eachother's best friends, which makes it a fun and enjoyable working environment!

Q: Do you guys have gift certificates?
A: Yes! We offer gift certificates all year long. Even when we aren't open. They make great gifts! Just call: 262-835-1376 or stop in during open hours!

Q: How do I get my plants to grow as big and beautiful as yours?
A Perennial, comes back every year. An annual has to be replanted every year.
A: In order to have big and beautiful plants in your yard, it takes some work. You have to water and fertilize regularly, keep plants clean by plucking old blossoms off and pinch the centers of the plant in order for it to get bushy. If you are unsure how to pinch your plants properly, any of the daughters will be more than happy to give you a mini lesson on site.​
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